Booking Form

You've chosen 7 days fishing Lake%20Elba on Saturday%2028th%20Aug%202021 for £.
Secure this date now by completing the booking form. All fields required.*

* Please carefully note, NO bookings can be confirmed and secured until we have received a FULLY completed booking form and a booking deposit of £500, which is NOT REFUNDABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. We STRONGLY advise you to take out travel insurance to cover cancellations. Payment of 50% of your remaining balance is due 20 weeks before the date of your trip. Bookings are also subject to a SEPARATE refundable £400 security deposit, payable with the remaining balance, twelve weeks before your arrival. If your trip is in less than 12 weeks, the entire balance of your trip must be paid upon booking. Your security deposit will be refunded to you within two weeks of you returning home, provided there are no incidents or damages during your stay. ANY changes to your booking will incur a £30 admin charge and late payments will accrue interest and risk cancellation. Please ensure you read our booking terms and conditions, for full information. We accept payment by PayPal or bank transfer.

Party Leader

Additional Party Members (excluding Party Leader)

Name & AddressEmail

Party Requirements

"I have read and understood the lake rules & booking conditions, and accept them on behalf of my party, on whose behalf I am duly authorised to make this agreement. I am over 18 years of age."